[1330] Dedolight S3ME Hustler Master Kit No.1


SKU: 1007802.00 Category: Tag:


Includes: 3x 150W Dedolight DLHM4-300 Spotlights w/ barndoors, 1x 1000W DLH1000S bug-light and M-size Dedoflex softbox w/ 1/1 baffle and 1/1 front diffuser, 12“ collapsible diffuser, full and half double and single scrims, 3x dichroic daylight conversion filters, 3x filter holders w/ filters, 6x small filter clips, wall plate holder, Dedolight clamp, 20“ flexible stand extension arm, 4x Nano stands, pair of gloves, spare bulb for each light

When using the softbox, please extend the brackets on the light fixture.
